Madison Reader Selected For PrimeTime585 Youth Council

Madison Reader Story Topper
If you've attended a Bombers sporting event this year, you might have noticed standout sophomore Madison Reader capturing photos and videos of our student-athletes in action.
Under the guidance of PrimeTime585 co-founder Karen Iglesia, Madison has been diligently working as a member of the inaugural PrimeTime585 Youth Council, which centers on involving youth in community initiatives and media participation.
After applying in August, Madison discovered during homecoming week that she had been selected as one of only 20 students out of approximately 400 applicants from across Section V.
Madison also actively contributes to her school community by filming and capturing pictures during athletic events, sharing them on social media.
“I strive to make sure everyone is included and gets the same opportunities,” Madison said. “Being on the PrimeTime585 Youth Council I am able to cover schools across Section V that aren’t normally covered.”
While Madison still has the remainder of her sophomore year, as well as junior and senior years ahead of her, she already has an idea of her plans after high school.
“Looking ahead, I want to do something in sports media or communications,” Madison said. “I’ve developed a greater passion towards what I do because of opportunities I have been given like the PrimeTime585 Youth Council. Whenever you have an opportunity to do something good for yourself, take it because you never know what you will get out of it.”
Check out Madison and PrimeTime585’s amazing work on Instagram @readerreports_ and @primetime585!