Board of Education » Members


Pam Nakoski Board PicPamela Nakoski
3416 Taft Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469

Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2027

Mrs. Nakoski's goals as a Bloomfield Board of Education member are to help provide Bloomfield's students with the best possible educational experience as well as to promote open communication between the school board, the community, the schools, and students. By being an active participant within the schools and community, she will strive to provide an informative link between the Board of Education and all interested parties. Pam is a homemaker. Her three children graduated from Bloomfield schools.
James SpelmanJim Spelman Board Pic
​Vice President
Victor, NY 14564

Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2024

As a member of the Bloomfield Board of Education, my primary goal is to support our faculty, staff, and administration in continuing to provide our community's youth with an excellent education. I will do my part to foster good communication with parents, taxpayers, community groups, and other interested parties. With rising costs, inequalities in government aid, unfunded mandates, and other fiscal challenges of our time, we need to work together to continue the high standards that Bloomfield offers our students as we help them prepare for their future.
Scott LaytonScott Layton Board Pic
8502 Route 5 & 20
Bloomfield, NY 14469

Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2026

I hope to ultimately learn, assist, share, and be part of the district's policy setting team. I believe my life experiences, as both a school administrator and consultant, will help me in this role significantly. I truly believe that Bloomfield CSD is a unique, smaller district, offering its students a well-rounded quality education with many opportunities that other districts its size is unable to provide. My belief and goal is that as a community we should strive to offer the best education possible, while at the lowest cost to the local property taxpayers. Obviously, in today’s state, this is an extremely tough task, but one worth striving for.
Ken Mathis Board PicKenneth Mathis
3143 Flatiron Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469

Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2025

My priorities as a board member are: in concert with fellow board members, the superintendent, and staff of Bloomfield School, to help maintain and enhance the excellent educational experience offered by the school to the young people of the district, continuing the high degree of fiscal responsibility the board has demonstrated despite constraints placed by government entities.
Tonya McFadden Board PicTonya McFadden

8307 County Road 40
Bloomfield, NY 14469
Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2027

Mrs. McFadden's goals as a Bloomfield Board of Education member are to learn more about the school district that her children attend, as well as to help make decisions and form policies to ensure that every child in the district continues to receive the best education possible to prepare them for their future. She believes that her experiences will allow her to examine issues from the viewpoint of both a parent and an educator, and that she would be an asset to the board.
Caroline NevilCaroline Nevil
2265 County Road 39
Bloomfield, NY 14469

Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2028

Being a member of the Board is a tremendous honor and responsibility. My goal is to use the knowledge and experience I have as an educator to continue to provide the students of Bloomfield with the highest quality education. As a parent and taxpayer, I also want to ensure open lines of communication with the community while practicing fiscal responsibility. We are fortunate to live in a district with
 such high education standards and I look forward to working with all parties in furthering Bloomfield’s outstanding commitment to student success.
Heather RickettHeather Rickett Board Pic
3741 Oakmount Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469

Email: [email protected]
Term Ends: 2024

My desire to become a member of the Bloomfield Board of Education is to ensure our school remains the cornerstone of our community by providing our students with the best educational experience possible. I am committed to transparency, collaboration, fiscal responsibility and the effective use of resources in order to ensure all students have access to a quality and safe education to prepare them to be productive community members. 

I have lived in the district since 1998 with my husband, Kevin, and our two daughters, Samantha, who graduated from Bloomfield in 2017, and Jordan who is a junior. Both of our kids were involved with varsity sports, band, chorus, musicals, as well as AP and IB classes and community service projects.  Our family is committed to doing our part to serve our community.