Board of Education » District Targets

District Targets

District Target 1
Over the next five years, the district will commit to increasing the number of students who will take college credit-bearing courses.  In addition, the district will commit to graduating a higher percentage of students with advanced coursework and diploma designations. 
District Target 2
Over the next five years, the district will commit to leveraging technology to empower students in more authentic learning experiences.  These experiences will allow students the opportunity to share their learning with the global community. 
District Target 3
Over the next five years, the district will commit to making students more aware of various career options.  The district will commit to ensuring that those students who want to pursue a trade after high school will have opportunities to learn and experience various trades through the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES ( and other means). The district will also commit to ensuring that students are aware of the "soft skills" employers find valuable.  
District Target 4
Over the next five years, the district will commit to providing increased mental health supports for all students. 
District Target 5
Over the next five years, students will participate in a variety of experiences that demonstrate creativity, action, and service.  Students will be encouraged to capture those experiences in a digital portfolio. 
District Target 6
The BOE will review the needs for future projects and update the five-year facilities plan and technology replacement plan.